Upper arm lift
You followed a good diet and now this: your upper arms are hanging and wobbling. When you lose weight significantly, the elasticity of the connective tissue often decreases with body weight and excess skin accumulates. And not only is it not pretty, it can also be annoying when you move.

"It's not just the breasts that can sag..."
Upper arm lift
The tightening of the upper arms surgically/non-surgically
Depending on the extent; of the skin flap, a decision is made between a small procedure as part of liposuction and a somewhat larger surgical removal.
The inner and undersides of the upper arms in particular suffer particularly from the loss of connective tissue that occurs with age. Even regular exercises for the upper arm muscles can only have a small positive effect on this problem.
These are considered non-surgical measures Available:
- Needling
- Thermage
- Shockwave
- Co2 Laser
- Fraxel laser treatment

Upper arm lift at a GLANCE
Surgery duration: 1 - 2 hours
Anesthesia: general anesthesia, possibly only local anesthesia
Hospital stay: outpatient or 1 night
Compression sleeves: 4 weeks
Sport: after 4 — 6 weeks
Socially acceptable: after about 1 – 2 weeks
Inability to work: 2 weeks

Vor der Op
- The armpit is predisposed to infection. Therefore, you should wash the affected area with disinfectant soap a week before the operation.
- For a period of around 14 days before the operation, you should avoid medication containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin, ASA , etc.) as they impair blood clotting.
- You should also largely avoid alcohol, cigarettes and sleeping pills. Nicotine can also reduce blood flow and delay wound healing. Therefore, avoid nicotine two weeks before the operation and also during the wound healing phase.
Nach der Op
- No suture removal with self-dissolving suture material
- Showering: with disinfectant shampoo (daily)
- Compression sleeves: 4 weeks
- Avoid tension on the wound edges (no lifting of shoulders above horizontal for 3 weeks)
- No heavy work for 4 weeks
The procedures are usually carried out under local anesthesia with twilight sleep. A major intervention requires general anesthesia. Using liposuction, the upper arm lift can be carried out easily through two to three small incisions (armpit, inside of the elbow). If there is significant excess skin, a spindle-shaped cut is made on the inside of the upper arm and skin and fatty tissue are removed. Occasionally an additional incision is made in the armpit. The scar can be easily covered with clothing and is not noticeable due to its location on the inside of the arm. In some cases, a combination with accompanying liposuction is recommended.
Any swelling and discoloration caused by bruising in the surgical area will subside after about two weeks. Sometimes a feeling of numbness develops in the area where the procedure was performed, but this goes away on its own. If there is a congestion of lymphatic fluid, this is removed painlessly through a puncture.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Shirin Milani
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery