Botox treatment for sweating
Yes, Botox not only helps with wrinkles and migraines, but also against excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), especially under the armpits.?? To do this, Botox is injected into the skin in small quantities using a fine needle, where it then blocks sweat secretion for 5 to 7 months.

"No more excessive sweating!"
Botox treatment for sweating
When repeated treatment, the effect lasts longer and longer - at the end up to 8 months — at. You can definitely do without deodorant during this time.?? Botox is also a suitable remedy for people who sweat normally, but would like to treat themselves to the luxury of sweat-free clothes, especially in the summer months. In addition to sweating, unpleasant odors are also reduced.
Sweat gland suction against excessive sweating
Sweat gland removal is like a Liposuction cells are sucked out, in this case the sweat glands located deeper in the skin. The best results are achieved with this procedure using suction curettage using the tumescent procedure. A saline solution with local anesthesia is injected under the skin of the armpit. After an exposure time of approx. 30 minutes, the sweat glands are sucked out using a special suction device. After treatment, the incisions are closed with adhesive plasters and a compression bandage is applied. The sweat glands that are sucked out do not grow back. In general, a reduction in sweat production of around 70 to 80 percent can be expected.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Shirin Milani
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery

Dr. Veith Moser
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery