Eyelid lift / upper eyelid lift / lower eyelid lift
Tightening and correction for upper eyelids, lower eyelids & Tear bags
Our eyes don't just perceive . They also play a key role in how others perceive us, because they are extremely important for our expression. They determine whether a face is perceived as youthful, fresh or old and tired. But why do our eyes lose their vigor over time? Well, this is because the eyelid skin and eyelid muscles lose their elasticity. The periorbital region, which is located laterally and below the eye socket, descends. This is how wrinkles, droopy eyelids or even tear bags arise.

“Seeing the world through different eyes.”
Eyelid lift / upper eyelid lift / lower eyelid lift
This in turn can be easily corrected by removing excess skin and fatty tissue — or just one of the two — Will get removed. However, there are minimal differences in the procedure for male and female patients. In men, the brow position is lower – a fact that should under no circumstances be ignored during the procedure. If the position of the eyebrows is neglected, there is a risk of a shift downwards or towards the upper eyelid.
After the procedure, the fresh expression that makes us younger is makes it work, back again – without losing the eye shape or individual expression. As soon as the field of vision is restricted (a report from an ophthalmologist is required to determine this), the procedure will also be covered by the health insurance company.
Before eyelid surgery, a check-up with an ophthalmologist may be necessary to rule out pathologies that affect the eye itself.
Operation duration: 30-60 minutes (upper eyelid lift),
1.5 hours (lower eyelid lift)
Anesthesia: local Anesthesia with twilight sleep
Sport: after 2-3 weeks
Hospital stay: outpatient< /div>
Sociable: after 1 to 2 weeks
Plaster and thread removal: after 5 to 7 days
Vor der Op
- For a period of approximately 14 days before the operation, you should stop taking medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin , ASA, etc.), as they impair blood clotting.
Nach der Op
< ul> Cold packs in combination with an elevated head allow any swelling to subside quickly. Lymphatic drainage is recommended for a quick recovery. Stitch removal: after 5 to 7 days Sport: after 3 weeks Social: after 1 to 2 weeks
Before the procedure, the incision route is marked while the patient is in a sitting position with their eyes closed. The areas of skin and fat to be removed are marked on the upper eyelid; the incision for removing the excess skin and any orbital fatty tissue is in the skin fold of the upper eyelid. Depending on the location and amount of fat in the orbital area, partial removal of fat is essential to achieve a youthful appearance after the procedure. Since fat provides cushioning and a smoother appearance, under no circumstances should too much be removed. The operation is carried out on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia or in twilight sleep.
The lower eyelid lift is particularly suitable for those people who suffer from tears ;suffering from puffiness or wrinkles in the lower eye area. It takes place during twilight sleep because it is longer and more complex. The cut is made below the eyelashes or inside the lower eyelid so that the scars remain invisible. As part of this procedure, excess fatty tissue is also removed or relocated. The severe relaxation of the eye ring muscle or eye sphincter muscle requires partial removal in most cases. The stable fixation of the lower eyelid and the eye ring muscle with sutures to the muscle skin in the lower temple area is essential in order not to cause problems with the lower eyelid edge or with tear flow.
After the procedure, the wound is stitched and the stitches are removed 5 to 7 days later. Pain should not occur. An upper eyelid lift [ ... ] can be combined as this achieves an additional tightening effect. It has a supportive effect and lifts both the brow region and the temple area.
Any swelling and discoloration caused by bruising in the lower eyelid and cheek area usually subsides after two to three weeks. In rare cases, eyelid closure or tear flow is disrupted. But don't worry: both things usually return to normal quickly.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Shirin Milani
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery

Dr. Veith Moser
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery