Connective tissue weakness
Connective tissue weakness is a condition that can be genetic or develop after events such as pregnancy or weight loss. It occurs when the connective tissue that supports the skin, muscles, and organs is weakened or stretched. This can lead to problems such as stretch marks, sagging skin and cellulite.

Connective tissue weakness
We offer a variety of treatment options in our institute to reduce the effects of weak connective tissue and improve the appearance of the skin. An example of this is acoustic wave therapy or AWT shock wave therapy. High-energy sound waves are used in this non-invasive treatment method to stimulate connective tissue and improve blood circulation. AWT can reduce the appearance of cellulite, improve skin elasticity and stimulate collagen production. Another effective treatment method for connective tissue weakness is Thermage. The procedure is non-surgical and uses radiofrequency energy to tighten and strengthen the skin's collagen fibers. Warming the deep layers of the skin promotes the production of collagen, making the skin firmer and smoother. Thermage can be used on different parts of the body to tighten loose skin.
It is important to note that the treatment of connective tissue weakness may vary depending on the individual case. A thorough assessment is therefore carried out in our institute and the best solutions for your individual needs are recommended. Depending on the severity of the connective tissue weakness and the patient's goals, different treatments can be combined to achieve the best results.