Treatment of gynecomastia
Yes, men also suffer from breasts that are too large. And not that few at all. Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the male mammary gland. If the breasts enlarge due to fat, lipomastia occurs.

"Make excess fat & tissue disappear."
Treatment of gynecomastia
Surgery on the ‚female breast‘ in men
The elimination of gynecomastia is like a breast reduction: excess fat and breast tissue is removed from the chest area. And this according to the patient's personal aesthetic ideas, taking into account the physical conditions. The situation will be analyzed during a consultation in order to determine the best treatment method. The hormone status will also be checked before the procedure. An ultrasound will also be performed to rule out other causes.
Gynecomastia surgery at a glance
- Surgery duration: 1 — 2 hours
- Anesthesia: local anesthesia with twilight sleep, possibly general anesthesia
- Hospital stay: outpatient or one night
- Bodice shirt: 4 weeks < li>Sport: after 4 — 6 weeks
- Able to socialize: after a few days
- Inability to work: up to 1 week
Vor der Op
- For a period of approximately 14 days before gynecomastia surgery, you should avoid medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. ure (e.g. aspirin, ASS, etc.) should be avoided as they impair blood clotting.
- You should also Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and sleeping pills as much as possible. Nicotine can also reduce blood flow to organs and delay wound healing. Therefore, avoid nicotine two weeks before the operation and also during the wound healing phase.
Nach der Op
- Drainages (possibly): 1 – 2 days
- Special bandages or girdle shirt: 4 – 6 weeks (this can significantly influence the healing process and result)
- Sport: after 3 weeks
- Ability to work: after one week
The operation is carried out under local anesthesia with combined twilight sleep or, if desired, under general anesthesia and lasts approximately two hours. Breast reduction for gynecomastia is performed using either liposuction or mammary gland excision. In some severe cases, a reduction in the size of the skin layer or the areola is necessary (however, this will be discussed in detail in the previous consultation).
Any swelling and discoloration caused by bruising usually subside after two to three weeks.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Veith Moser
Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery