
Preventive examination

The Health Check is a free service provided by the Austrian social insurance institutions from the age of 18 and is available to you once a year. It provides you with important information about Your current health status. You will receive information about your personal risks and can influence them yourself.
IMPORTANT: Please come to this appointment sober for the blood test ( Don't eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours beforehand).

Preventive examination

Numerous international studies have shown that people who take part in high-quality prevention/early detection programs have significantly better health benefits.
The examination includes:
  • Exact anamnesis and physical examination
  • Determination of size, Weight, BMI, blood pressure and heart rate
  • Blood test directly on site
  • Urinalysis
  • Examination of the stool from the age of 50 for the presence of blood
  • If there is a given indication, an ECG is also carried out, which is usually not included in the preventive examination.
  • Advice on further necessary examinations (mammography, colonoscopy, eye examination, birthmark check ) with the issuance of the assignments
  • As an additional service, we offer you a vaccination certificate check